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lua-dkjson JSON module written in Lua
lua-etlua Embedded templates for Lua
lua-expat XML parser for LUA based on expat
lua-fluent Lua implementation of Project Fluent
lua-ftcsv Fast csv library written in pure Lua
lua-htmlparser (V) Parse HTML text into a tree of elements with selectors
lua-inifile Lua library for parsing and writing .ini files
lua-lustache Logic-less mustache templates with Lua
lua-lyaml LibYAML binding for Lua
lua-markdown Implementation of the Markdown text-to-html markup system in pure Lua
lua-rapidjson JSON module for Lua, based on the very fast RapidJSON C++ library
lua-slnunicode Unicode library for Lua
lua-stringy Fast Lua string operations
lua-utf8 UTF-8 module for Lua 5.x
lua-xapian Lua bindings for Xapian search engine
lucene (V) Full-text search engine for Java
lucene++ C++ port of Lucene text search library
m17n-lib (V) Multilingualization library
makeindexk General purpose hierarchical index generator
makeztxt ASCII text to Palm zTXT database converter
man2html Convert nroff(1) man pages to HTML
mandoc Convert man pages from mdoc, man, eqn and tbl to txt, html, ps, or pdf
marisa C++ library to provide an implementation of MARISA
Markdown Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
markdown-mode Emacs major mode for editing Markdown-formatted text files
md4c Markdown for C library and parser
mecab Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
mecab-base Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
mecab-ipadic Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
mecab-jumandic Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
mecab-naistdic Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
mendexk Replacement for makeindex with many enhancements
metauml MetaPost library for typesetting UML diagrams
migemo Japanese text search tool/library
migemo-elisp Elisp for migemo
miller Command-line CSV processor
mmm-mode (V) Multiple Major Modes for emacs
molybdenum Recursive search and replace CLI application
multimarkdown MultiMarkdown (MMD) v6 written in C
mxml Small XML parsing library
mythes Simple thesaurus library
namazu Full-text search system intended for easy use
nbsed NetBSD-current's sed(1)
ndtpd Server for accessing CD-ROM books with NDTP
nlohmann-json JSON library for Modern C++
nltk_data-abc NLTK Data - Australian Broadcasting Commission 2006
nltk_data-alpino NLTK Data - Alpino Dutch Treebank
nltk_data-averaged_perceptron_tagger NLTK Data - Averaged Perceptron Tagger
nltk_data-averaged_perceptron_tagger_ru NLTK Data - Averaged Perceptron Tagger (Russian)
nltk_data-basque_grammars NLTK Data - Grammars for Basque
nltk_data-bcp47 NLTK Data - BCP-47 Language Tags
nltk_data-biocreative_ppi NLTK Data - BioCreAtIvE (Critical Assessment of Information Extraction Systems in Biology)
nltk_data-bllip_wsj_no_aux NLTK Data - BLLIP Parser: WSJ Model
nltk_data-book_grammars NLTK Data - Grammars from NLTK Book
nltk_data-brown NLTK Data - Brown Corpus
nltk_data-brown_tei NLTK Data - Brown Corpus (TEI XML Version)
nltk_data-cess_cat NLTK Data - CESS-CAT Treebank
nltk_data-cess_esp NLTK Data - CESS-ESP Treebank
nltk_data-chat80 NLTK Data - Chat-80 Data Files
nltk_data-city_database NLTK Data - City Database
nltk_data-cmudict NLTK Data - The Carnegie Mellon Pronouncing Dictionary (0.6)
nltk_data-comparative_sentences NLTK Data - Comparative Sentence Dataset
nltk_data-comtrans NLTK Data - ComTrans Corpus Sample
nltk_data-conll2000 NLTK Data - CONLL 2000 Chunking Corpus
nltk_data-conll2002 NLTK Data - CONLL 2002 Named Entity Recognition Corpus
nltk_data-conll2007 NLTK Data - Dependency Treebanks from CoNLL 2007 (Catalan and Basque Subset)
nltk_data-crubadan NLTK Data - Crubadan Corpus
nltk_data-dependency_treebank NLTK Data - Dependency Parsed Treebank
nltk_data-dolch NLTK Data - Dolch Word List
nltk_data-europarl_raw NLTK Data - Sample European Parliament Proceedings Parallel Corpus
nltk_data-extended_omw NLTK Data - Extended Open Multilingual WordNet
nltk_data-floresta NLTK Data - Portuguese Treebank
nltk_data-framenet_v15 NLTK Data - FrameNet 1.5
nltk_data-framenet_v17 NLTK Data - FrameNet 1.7
nltk_data-gazetteers NLTK Data - Gazeteer Lists
nltk_data-genesis NLTK Data - Genesis Corpus
nltk_data-gutenberg NLTK Data - Project Gutenberg Selections
nltk_data-ieer NLTK Data - NIST IE-ER DATA SAMPLE
nltk_data-inaugural NLTK Data - C-Span Inaugural Address Corpus
nltk_data-indian NLTK Data - Indian Language POS-Tagged Corpus
nltk_data-jeita NLTK Data - JEITA Public Morphologically Tagged Corpus (in ChaSen format)
nltk_data-kimmo NLTK Data - PC-KIMMO Data Files
nltk_data-knbc NLTK Data - KNB Corpus (Annotated blog corpus)
nltk_data-large_grammars NLTK Data - Large context-free and feature-based grammars for parser comparison
nltk_data-lin_thesaurus NLTK Data - Lin's Dependency Thesaurus
nltk_data-mac_morpho NLTK Data - MAC-MORPHO: Brazilian Portuguese news text with part-of-speech tags
nltk_data-machado NLTK Data - Machado de Assis -- Obra Completa
nltk_data-masc_tagged NLTK Data - MASC Tagged Corpus
nltk_data-maxent_ne_chunker NLTK Data - ACE Named Entity Chunker (Maximum entropy)
nltk_data-maxent_treebank_pos_tagger NLTK Data - Treebank Part of Speech Tagger (Maximum entropy)
nltk_data-moses_sample NLTK Data - Moses Sample Models
nltk_data-movie_reviews NLTK Data - Sentiment Polarity Dataset Version 2.0
nltk_data-mte_teip5 NLTK Data - MULTEXT-East 1984 annotated corpus 4.0
nltk_data-mwa_ppdb NLTK Data - The monolingual word aligner (Sultan et al. 2015) subset of the Paraphrase Database
nltk_data-names NLTK Data - Names Corpus, Version 1.3 (1994-03-29)
nltk_data-nombank.1.0 NLTK Data - NomBank Corpus 1.0
nltk_data-nonbreaking_prefixes NLTK Data - Non-Breaking Prefixes (Moses Decoder)
nltk_data-nps_chat NLTK Data - NPS Chat
nltk_data-omw NLTK Data - Open Multilingual Wordnet
nltk_data-omw-1.4 NLTK Data - Open Multilingual Wordnet